
The player can assemble in one team from one to four heroes from any faction.

Effect of dividing heroes within a faction

The division of heroes within a faction directly affects heroes within the same team:

  1. If there are several heroes in a team that belong to the same division group within a faction, they get a certain bonus in combat.

  2. The more such heroes (belonging to the same division group within a faction) are in the team, the more bonus they get in combat.

Influence of modification directions

Different modifications can be used differently. Depending on the selected modifications, each hero in the team can play a specific role.

Choosing a different number of modifications of the same direction (for one or several heroes of the team) directly affects the power of the corresponding modifications:

  1. If several modifications of one direction are used in a team of heroes, these modifications become stronger and more effective in combat.

  2. The more modifications of one direction (for one or more heroes of the team), the stronger and more effective each of these modifications will be.

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