🟒PvE & PvP mode

PvE mode is a crusade with a variety of enemies, traps, trinkets and also with a variety of resources that you can sell for $GOLD in an in-game Store or for $CBRV on Marketplaces. Crusades are transitions from "room" to "room" in which you may meet:

  1. Various resources that you can collect. Some resources will require the team to have certain ammunition.

  2. NPC opponents that you have to fight in order to get $GOLD, $CBRV, cybernetic modifications and other loot.

  3. Neutral heroes with whom you can fight or recruit them into your ranks.

  4. Other players' hero teams. You can disperse peacefully, or you can try to defeat such teams to take all their loot.

  • In order to part peacefully with the opposing team, both teams must agree not to fight.

  • If one of the teams does not want to part peacefully, it has a first-move advantage (the so-called "surprise effect").

  • If both teams decide to fight, the "surprise effect" will not apply.

5. The farther you advance in a crusade, the more worthwhile loot you can get.

6. You don't pay anything to enter the crusade. However, the better you prepare for the campaign (development of heroes and ammunition), the more loot you can get. Therefore, this is a balanced economy: more resources and coins you spent preparing - more loot and coins you can get. So the amount of income from this mode depends on your playing skills as well as the right combination of heroes and equipment.

7. A player's team of heroes can complete the crusade:

  • Reach the end of the level or kill the final boss - get the highest reward, XP and highest level of equipment.

  • Completely fill all free slots of the heroes' team inventory with loot. You can either end the campaign or free up some inventory slots and continue the campaign until the heroes' team inventory is full again. You can leave the crusade even during a battle, but you’ll lose all your equipment and loot.

  • Lost the battle (all heroes of the team died) - you lose your equipment, loot and even can lose some of your heroes at all.

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