
Team ammunition is a variety of consumables that the player's hero team takes into battle:

  1. First Aid Kit: allows your heroes to regenerate some health in battle.

  2. Temporal boosters: allow your heroes to get some parameter improvement (depending on the type of temporal booster) over the course of one battle.

  3. Teleporter: the most important piece of ammunition for any battle. Teleports allow your team to escape from the battlefield when all of your heroes are dying. If your team loses a battle and does not have a teleporter with them, all heroes of that team will die irreversibly. You will not be able to heal them or bring them back. But in the game store (as a sign of goodwill), if you are missing a teleporter, you can get one teleporter for free at the beginning of each day.

  4. Key: allows you to open doors in some quests.

  5. Drill: allows you to clear impassable areas on some quests.

  6. And other consumable items that can make your battles easier.

Different sets of ammunition are available in different battles.

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