Glora - Night Mane

Rarity: Epic

Fraction: Void

Race: Adept

Class: Healer, Shooter

A traveler who accidentally discovered the remains of the Void in an old ruin. In the past, this woman was a common teacher of magic in a school for gifted children of Noble Houses. Her life was full of success and it seemed that it would last forever. But Glora always strived for something different - adventure, drive and crazy battles with tons of blood. And when her finger touched the Void, she realized that everything she dreamed about could come true as one word will be spoken. She agreed to give her body and mind to the Void, in return for immense strength and fulfilled dreams.

Skill 1 - Common strike. Glora strikes with her hair, shooting the sharp ends at the enemy.

Skill 2 - Magic ray. Glora creates a loop from her long hair with a round hole in the middle. There magical energy gathers, which then shoots out a huge beam.

Skill 3 - Glora heals her allies.

Skill 4 - Glora concentrates black magical energy in her hands, then releases it. This is followed by an explosion of energy, immersing everything into darkness. All enemies affected by it receive debuffs.

Skill 5 - Defense. Glora can grow her hair rapidly. Then she creates a large ball of her hair, enclosing herself inside. A ball of hair is a shield that protects against attacks from outside.

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