Light - The ghost of the mind

Rarity: Rare

Fraction: New Order

Race: Human

Class: Assault, Shooter

Higher Houses of Order: Siya

He was artificially created in one of the laboratories of the New Order. Their goal was to create the most intelligent entity with immeasurable strength in one human. The all-powerful Titan of Thought was to emerge from the experimental capsule, which would become a new super-being. As a result, an unsurpassed genius emerged from there in the body of an ordinary teenager. Without tremendous physical strength, Light began to defeat enemies with cunning and the ability to penetrate the enemies’ systems.

Skill 1 - Light fires his rifles.

Skill 2 - Light creates a monster from thought above his head, and it attacks the enemy with ranged attacks.

Skill 3 - Light's Monster shoots out a magic beam.

Skill 4 - The Monster covers Light with itself.

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