
A hero's faction is not always the hero's affiliation with any side. After the events of the first Void invasion, opinions were divided. Some warriors touched by the Void did not lose their minds and remained faithful to their former ideas.

Sects arose in the New Order, whose religion was based on the view that only a complete switch to the side of the Void can save the world from constant war and total destruction. Mercenaries have always been on the side of the highest bidder.


Something that exists beyond our understanding. A sentient entity woven from trillions of nanoparticles gathered in a swarm with an unquenchable hunger to absorb everything that it touches. A once prosperous and noble civilization that has gone too far in its greed for evolution. Countless planets were swallowed up by the Void and disappeared without a trace in the maelstrom of otherworldly matter. But still, if her traces are scattered, then this will mean only one thing. It took away everything possible.


An unusual group of creatures whose common goal is to earn more Oreon. Throwaways with a difficult past and a broken fate. Mercenaries are friends if there is a benefit in it and they get paid for it. But as soon as you stop paying them, they will immediately use their claws.

New Order

This organization strained its ubiquitous paws on the whole Galaxy. New Order is a new law with its own rules and abutments. A long time ago, a few ancient houses were merged together and created one organism which had the goal to fight evil, protect creatures from disasters and cataclysms.

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