Mahnet - Enchanting Blossom

Rarity: Legendary

Fraction: Void

Race: Devil

Class: Assault, Mage

Before merging with emptiness, this woman was a beautiful creature that fascinated everyone with her beauty. In addition to her beauty, she was a good magician who participated in many battles. And in one of these, Magnet met her end. The human-like creature died after receiving a serious wound. But the emptiness chose her personality for its first creation. Magnet was reborn as a new entity with old memories. This is how the first intelligent Devil appeared.

Skill 1 - Common strike. Mahnet sends an energy star at the enemy.

Skill 2 - Mass attack. Magnet creates dozens of energy stars in the sky with beams of magical energy shooting out of them.

Skill 3 - Magnet creates a second star on the other hand and connects it to the first one. They merge and become one star. An explosion created deals huge damage to everyone who is near, except for Magnet and her union.

Skill 4 - Magnet shoots its tails at the enemy.

Skill 5 - Defense. The Magnet’s star grows to an enormous size and absorbs all the damage from the outside.

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