Sabira - The ghost of the mind

Rarity: Epic

Fraction: New Order

Race: Human

Class: Shooter, support

Higher Houses of Order: Hallar

An insanely talented engineer who assembled her own exoskeleton from a pile of iron and a pair of stolen energy cores. Sabira is a domineering woman with a violent character. Her words are like bullets that are aimed at weak points. But despite her temperament, she is very kind and supportive to those who deserve it. Although after a few beers it can be difficult to say this about her, as we can see how she destroys an entire bar in a few strokes.

Skill 1 - Sabira attacks the enemy with her ax.

Skill 2 - Sabira attacks the enemy with a beam of energy from her cannon on her back.

Skill 3 - Sabira applies positive buffs to allies.

Skill 4 - A square shield appears from Sabira's back, which protects her from outside attacks.

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